Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rare moments

The noise level at our house is crazy loud. Usually there is at least one child screaming or crying and the other two are yelling or singing. But every once in a while there are rare moments of silence, when all 3 of them are playing quietly together. This happens about once a week. Here's a photo of last week's moment of silence.

Fun with paint

I left the girls and Coby outside to paint for a few minutes. Next thing I know Coby is covered in paint. I asked Taylor if she painted the baby. And she said "Shhhhhh mom, he doesn't know."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Homer Davenport Days Parade

This parade happens once a year in early August. It's your typical small town parade. And each float throws out TONS of candy. I thought the girls would be really into filling their bags with candy but they were afraid to go in the street to get it. :) Coby was scared of all the loud sirens last year but this year he loved it. All 3 kids watched the parade with very serious looks on their faces. I think they had fun? :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Feeding the "baby"

(And yes that's my almost 2 year old eating stage 2 baby food). He won't eat any veggies, BUT he will eat the veggie baby food, so I figure it's better than nothing!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A little Coby update

Coby has changed SO much in the last 2 mos. I think most of it has to do with all of the extra attention he is getting at Grandmas, (and I'm sure being away from the lead helps too)! He's started talking, what a relief! He has about 30 words and he's really starting to use them. His favorite one is "go, go go!" He usually says this while he's holding his shoes in his hand trying to get me to put them on him so he can go outside. He loves to be outside. He's also started to interact with Chloe and Taylor a lot more. He does great with both of them one on one. And occasionally he plays with the two of them together. I think they are finally starting to see him as a little brother and not so much of a baby. He towers over Taylor and is now taller than Chloe. He's outgrowing some of his 3T clothing and I'm starting to buy him a size 4T. He is a GIANT baby. He wears the biggest size diapers they make so he better start working on his potty training or we'll be in trouble. He's also become quite the daredevil and it's so bad I can't take him to the park anymore unless I have Jake with me. He will dive off the top of the 12 foot rock wall and go head first down really big slides. He had a group of 8 year old kids watching him on the slide the other day saying "woah he's so brave!" I'm not sure brave's the right word for it. :) Oh and Grandma actually got him to eat some grilled chicken! He's becoming less picky about what he eats, never thought I'd see the day! All of these recent changes have really made a difference for all of us and now I actually think I can manage having 4. Good thing since I've only got 3 months to go before the little one arrives!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Splashing Fun

I'm bummed these all came out blurry but they were too cute not to post.

4 Little Cuties

We met up at riverfront park in Salem for a playdate with our VN group. Here are the four girls together. They were all so cute!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Papa cuts down a big tree

My dad had to cut down one of his trees and the girls really wanted to watch him. Here's a little video I took. They're not sure what to think about it.