So we're moving on over. Come check out our new blog at:
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
A few from the 4th
Monday, August 2, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
A Chloe Update

Chloe is 3 years 9 months. She weighs about 32lbs. She wears size 4T clothing. She has been talking about her 4th birthday for the past 6 weeks. She tell us about 10x a day that she wants to have a race car birthday cake with 4 candles and that she wants to share it with her friends. She wants everyone that comes to her party to bring her a racecar.
Chloe is such a sweetheart. She loves to laugh. She loves to ride her bike. She loves pasta. She puts her shoes on the wrong feet every single time. She puts her clothes on backwards often. I'm not sure if she doesn't get it or just doesn't care.
Chloe loves loves loves Tanner. She lights up when she sees him each morning. He loves her too. He giggles ans squeals when he sees her. Chloe says every day that Tanner is getting too big and that she's going to miss him when he's not a baby anymore. Chloe loves to talk about what she was like as a baby and what she used to do. "When I was a baby I had a bottle, when I was a baby you fed me baby food."
Chloe is so well behaved, she lives to please. She has started making her bed each morning. We've never asked her to make it, she just does it on her own. She somehow manages to make her bed perfectly and she folds all of her chewies, puts them in a pile and arranges her doggies on her pillow. She's so proud of herself and she can't wait to show us each morning. She's so sensitive. We have to be really careful how we correct her. She's not the type of kid you can yell at or even raise your voice with. It just destroys her. She rarely has to be disciplined so when we do we have to be really careful how we do it.
She's such a wonderful quirky little girl. She's started ice skating and really enjoys it. She wants to play hockey like daddy when she gets bigger. She's a natural athlete and a total klutz---quite the combination! She was born knowing how to hold a hockey stick and throw a baseball. She can get hurt doing just about anything. Here a few ways she's injured herself lately---she'll often trip while walking. She fell off the toilet why reaching for some tp. She sliced her finger while reading a book. She has fallen out of her chair while eating dinner on numerous occasions. And the list goes on! We're not surprised that she was our first child to need stitches(from tripping while holding a bowling ball). There's never a dull moment with Chloe! We love our little sunshine Chloe!
Friday, July 9, 2010
photo preview
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Josie turns 4!
Chloe and Taylor's good friend Josie had her 4th birthday party at an awesome park. We took all 4 kiddos and it wasn't a total disaster. The girls had a great time, Tanner was really good and Coby only screamed "No Birthday Party!!!" a handful of times. It was also our first day of sunshine after nearly 30 days of rain. Fun times.

Chloe and Tayor
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Slow down!
Tanner is the most active baby on the planet. Here he is at barely 7 months trying to walk already. He's very intense. He crawls very fast, and now he's really cruising and letting go of furniture trying to walk from one thing to the next. The kids will run by him and he'll just let go and try to run, and of course he has no balance so he comes crashing down every time. He LOVES his brother and sisters. He squeals with delight when they enter the room. He has no interest in toys, he crawls straight to electrical cords, outlets and anything else he's not supposed to have. His big sister Taylor was the same way as a baby. He's turned into a GREAT sleeper. He goes to bed around 6:30p and he'll sleep over 12 hours, getting up between 7:30 and 8:30. He takes 1-2 long naps a day. Here's a few pictures taken last weekend of our little guy. We love you Tanner!

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