Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Chloe Update

"I'm not Chloe! I Chloe Powski!" This is one of my favorite things Chloe is saying these days. When ever we call her Chloe she says with a grumpy little voice "I not Chloe! I Chloe Powski!"

Chloe is 3 years 5 months old. She weighs a little over 35lbs and is wearing a size 4T. She's quite a bit taller than Taylor but not quite as big as Coby. She's a GREAT eater. She's our only child who will eat just about anything you put in front of her at any time. The only food she doesn't like is string cheese. She would eat constantly if we let her so we are working on only eating at meal and snack times.

Chloe's a very happy, energetic child. She's pretty agreeable most of the time. We rarely have to discipline her. Chloe is very enthusiastic. She runs everywhere. She runs from her room to the kitchen from the the kitchen to the living room etc. She's totally potty trained, even at night. She wears underwear at night and wakes up dry 99.5% of the time. She will even get out of bed in the middle of the night to use the potty. She's been doing this for almost a year now. And it's awesome not to have to change her diapers. I am dreaming of a day when all 4 are potty trained like this. :)

Chloe loves loves loves Tanner. She spends as much time as she can with him when he's awake. She's always saying things like "he's so cute mom, I love him so much, he's just the cutest baby mom." She is always asking me if I remember when he was in my tummy. Chloe is very emotional. If she's tired or hungry she cries easily. Now that she's a little older she's been expressing herself more. She is always telling me that she loves me or that she loves her brothers and sister. She's full of compliments. She's say things like "mom I really love your hair today." And it's usually when my hair is extra messy or I haven't had time to shower.

Chloe is doing great in school. She really likes going to school each day. One day she had to stay home sick and she cried for the longest time. She's extremely social and is always talking about her friends. When Jake goes to drop her off she just walks right in and says "bye dad, see you later." She makes friends easily and she's really gotten alot more confident this past year. She used to copy everything Taylor did but now she's starting take the lead and even form her own opinions. She still says "we" instead of "I." She says things like "We are hungry or we are tired." Taylor is very much her other half and they are rarely apart.

Chloe was a very vocal baby and now as a toddler she loves to talk. Taylor is a thinker and will only say something if she has something to say. Chloe just rambles and rambles, especially in the car. Last week I took her shopping and on the way to the store she said this: "Mom, triangles aren't squares right Mom? Mom we can't hit, right Mom? Mom, birds are in the sky, right mom? Mom, T.T. is my sister right mom? Mom we can't push, right Mom? Mom, Coby is a brother, right mom? Mom, it's not a school day, right mom? Mom, we don't eat houses right Mom?" And she went on and on and on.

We love our little Chloe. She's one a kind and we can't imagine life with out her!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010


On Feb. 3rd, just 2 days shy of 3 months Tanner rolled over from his back to his front. He's become so active we have to move him to a full size crib. Go Tanner!!! Here's a few pictures of our 3 month old!

And here's his first mush....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Taylor Update

Taylor is 3 years 4 months. She's the tiniest of the trio, but she makes up for it with her personality. She's very bossy and at home she's in charge. At school however she's shy and Chloe takes control. If she needs to go potty at school she won't ask the teacher, she asks Chloe to ask the teacher. She's having kind of a hard time adjusting to the baby. She loves having another little brother and is very sweet with him but she's started to regress in a few areas, wanting to be treated like a baby at times. She's potty trained but won't use the potty at home. She's potty trained at school, when we are out and about and sometimes at Grandma's house. But at home she says "just put a diaper on me because I'm going to pee my pants if you don't." And she'll do just that. So after cleaning up several messes we have put her back in diapers at home.

She's super smart and witty and continues to surprise us with the things she says and does. She pulled a Bart Simpson the other day. The three kids were having a picnic outside, eating PB & J sandwiches. Coby ate half of his and then ran off to play. Taylor took the other half of his sandwich opened it up rubbed dirt in it and then put it back together and on his plate. After I finished laughing I went outside and switched his dirt sandwich with a new one.

Taylor is doing great at school. The teacher said she's very kind to the other kids and always in the middle of everything. She goes four days a week from 9-11:15. She used to get upset when we dropped her off but now she just walks right in and starts playing. She'll say "bye dad, see you in 2 hours!" Although she loves school when she's there, she tries to get out of going almost everyday. She's not really a morning person and would sleep till 10 if Chloe didn't wake her. It's usually hard to get her dressed and going in the morning. Lately she's been saying things like "I can't go to school today mom, I'm just too sick," followed by a forced cough. I have a feeling we will be dealing with her excuses for the next 15 years or so.

She's a great sleeper at night, goes down easily and sleeps 11-12 hours. She has not wanted to nap for a few months. Occasionally she will fall asleep in the car and lately we've been making her lie in bed during nap time. She'll fall asleep 1-2x a week. She really still needs a 2 hour nap everyday and is much more agreeable and happier on the afternoons when she gets a nap. She tends to start fights with the other kids especially Coby when she's tired. She also has started to get picky about what she eats. She has eating days and non eating days. On the eating days she'll eat a TON and then she'll go a few days in a row where she barely eats. It's a constant battle to get enough calories in her.

Taylor is very cuddly and loves to be held and carried places. Lucky for us she only weighs a little over 20lbs. :) She's a funny kid because sometimes she wants to be treated like a baby and other times she's very much the oldest child in the house. She takes her big sister role very seriously and does a great job of taking care of her siblings. She's always saying things like "When I was Coby's age I used to love to color." Or "when I was Tanner's age I used to drink a bottle."

Some of Taylor's favorite things are dressing up, wearing bows, being tickled, watching daddy cook, hanging out with mommy, dancing, tea parties, wearing her "dancing shoes" everywhere even out in the rain or to school. She's such an amazing little girl and we're so proud to call her our daughter.