Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A little creepy

So I bought Coby these cars for Christmas. There is a black one. a red one. and a blue one. He loves them and plays with often. The blue one got lost for a few days.

Then I walk into his room the other day and find this.......

a black one. a red one. and another red one?

Is it just me or is this kind of creepy?

They are so darn sweet.

These girls, I swear, would melt your heart. Just wanted to document the cuteness. Their new thing is to cry for each other when they are sad or hurt. It used to be "mommy, mommy or daddy, daddy." Now when Chloe gets hurt or is sad she cries for "t-t" to come comfort her and when Taylor needs a hug she wants it to come from Chloe. It's not uncommon for me to find Chloe giving crying Taylor a big bear hug, wiping away her tears with her hand and saying "you're gonna be alright, I your sister I'll always take care of you." They wipe each others tears away, give hugs and say the sweetest things you'll ever here. Tonight Chloe was crying about something unreasonable when Jake put the girls to bed. He had to put Coby to bed so he left Chloe crying in the middle of her floor. He comes back 5 minutes later to find Chloe covered up asleep in her bed and Taylor sitting up in her bed reading. Taylor says "Dad don't worry about it, I calmed her down." Seriously?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tanner is 4 months old

Here's what Tanner is like at 4 months....

He's 27 inches long and weighs exactly 16 pounds. He's a big eater. He eat 3 meals a day (one to two jars of baby food). He nurses ever 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night. He drinks one or two 6 oz bottles of formula. The dr. says we need to fatten him up a bit so we may add some olive oil to his food and try and squeeze in a little more formula.

Tanner is a great little sleeper. Takes 3 naps a day. Two long ones for 2+ hours and one shorter one for about 1.5 hours. He goes to bed around 7 and gets up 2x a night to eat then he's up at 7 to start his day. He sleeps on his stomach or his side.

He LOVES tummy time. He rolls over like crazy now. He'll never lie on his back for more then a few seconds. He prefers his stomach and is even starting to inch forward a little. He also loves to sit up. If he's in his bouncy seat, car seat or swing he'll try and lean forward so he can sit up straight.

He still is not sucking his thumb but he constantly has his fingers or thumb in his mouth. He's a major drooler. He'll soak a shirt in a few minutes. Between the drool and the messy eating he goes through quite a few outfits in one day. Just what mommy needs--more laundry.

Tanner is incredibly social. He'll stare at you when you enter a room, wait for you to make eye contact with him and then give you a great big grin. He's such a happy baby, always smiling and giggling. What a joy this little guy is. We're so thankful God has given us such a precious little son. We love you TANNER!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tet 2010

The girls loved dressing up this year. Chloe was still terribly afraid of the dragon dance. It didn't help that we were sitting in the front row. She started crying and screaming "somebody get me out of here." We spent a good amount of time in the hallway trying to convince Chloe that the dragon wasn't real. Here are a few photos I took of the girls before we left for the Tet celebration. (oh and p.s. Coby found another outfit in the bag and insisted on trying it on). Thanks Josie for letting us borrow our cute clothes for the 2nd year in a row!