My babies are turning into little girls. Just in the past few weeks the girls have started to play all kinds of games with each other. They stayed up last night 2 hours past their bedtime talking and making each other laugh. We have a video monitor and Jake and I and my parents watched them for about 20 minutes while they played various games putting blankets on their heads, jumping in their cribs and passing things back and forth between their cribs. At one point Chloe dropped her chewy (cloth diaper) out of her bed and started crying. She cried and cried until Taylor reached over to her crib and offered Chloe her own chewy. Chloe immediately stopped crying and said "Thank You." It was the cutest thing ever. I love these little girls. How did we ever survive with out them? Here are a few pics of them playing ring around the rosie.

The "chewy" story is the sweetest baby story I've heard! What precious little girls you have.
Hurry home I miss the cuteness!!!!
Sooo sweet...they ARE getting to be big little girls.
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