Sunday, June 15, 2008



Haley said...

I can see that the orange one was most popular!! Such sweet sisters that they are willing to kiss boo-boo's and share popsicles!

Tracy said...

That is so cute...what a great sister

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is the SWEETEST ever! I can't believe the girls are willing to share at such a young age. Just priceless.

Tiffany said...

OMG... they are so sweet. I love how they are such close sisters. All 3 posts show their amazing bond. I can't believe Coby is walking! Crazy!

K said...

They absolutly could not be any cuter!!!

Unknown said...

yay the two cutest girls ever sharing an icy pop! I got your RSVP, I completely understand you can't come - I figured it would be a long shot but I wanted to include you anyway. Betsey told me you will be coming with the twins to my shower on Saturday which I am super thrilled about. My high school BFF is bringing her 3 and a half year old boy, so maybe they can all play. Do your kids like bubbles?

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