1)My sister Anna got engaged! Woo Hoo!!!
2)My brother Andrew announced baby girl #2 is on the way.
3)My brother Nathan may come to visit after Christmas. (he hasn't met the kids yet)
4)Coby had his first kiss (some random baby girl at gymnastics class).
5)Coby made up his first dance routine, oh and he likes to wear Chloe's dress shoes while he does it. Should we be worried?
And the girls are getting cuter by the day. They are speaking SO much more, like actual sentences!! My favorite one is "oh mommy, I wuv you." It snowed yesterday and Taylor came running up to me and said "Look mommy, it's winter outside!"
Here's a few photos I took last weekend. Chloe has ketchup all over her face, but they were so cute I couldn't resist snapping a few photos.
Glad you are back (and that I still checked your site just in case:) Love the pictures and I agree-too cute even with ketchup on the face:)
welcome back !... those pics of Taylor and Chloe are so adorable :)
All the pictures are beautiful!!
All the pictures are beautiful!!
I'm so glad your back!! Wow; those are 5 really big things have happened! Hmm; I suppose I'll have to see Coby's new dance before I can decide if you should be worried ;)
Welcome back, and great pics of the kids even with messy faces. Ok, its been two weeks. We need more, more, more!!!
So glad you are back. I missed those little faces!
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