The girls talk about the new baby every day. Chloe is very excited and I think Taylor may be a bit jealous. Every morning Taylor says "Hey mom, is there still a baby in your tummy?" And when I say "yes," she says "when comes out I only want Grandma to hold it and maybe daddy." I don't want you to hold the baby because you're my mommy." Chloe LOVES babies and she says things like "I'll be so happy when I get to see the baby." Taylor on the other hand says "I don't need another baby, I already have Coby." My little 2 month old niece Sophia was visiting about a month ago and I held her for a few minutes. Taylor burst into tears when she saw me holding Sophia and Chloe said "Oh she's so cute and little." If this is any indication of how Taylor will react to her new sibling I think we're in for a rough couple of months.
Here are a few photos from our last visit to the childrens museum. Don't be fooled by the pictures, it was a total disaster.