The girls talk about the new baby every day. Chloe is very excited and I think Taylor may be a bit jealous. Every morning Taylor says "Hey mom, is there still a baby in your tummy?" And when I say "yes," she says "when comes out I only want Grandma to hold it and maybe daddy." I don't want you to hold the baby because you're my mommy." Chloe LOVES babies and she says things like "I'll be so happy when I get to see the baby." Taylor on the other hand says "I don't need another baby, I already have Coby." My little 2 month old niece Sophia was visiting about a month ago and I held her for a few minutes. Taylor burst into tears when she saw me holding Sophia and Chloe said "Oh she's so cute and little." If this is any indication of how Taylor will react to her new sibling I think we're in for a rough couple of months.
Here are a few photos from our last visit to the childrens museum. Don't be fooled by the pictures, it was a total disaster.
Yeah for a baby update!! Sounds like it's going to be hard on T, but even at her age after 6 months or so she won't even remember what it was like before the baby (somehow this gave me comfort when Amelia had such a hard time adjusting to Jack-I felt like since she didn't remember pre-Jack she couldn't be pining away for her only child
thanks for the baby update! oh. . . those opposite reactions, crazy! Hopefully you can find ways to love all your babies even in those crazy early weeks. . . at least kids this age are honest and tell you what they need :) Can't wait to find out what you're having when he/she comes. . .
Oh dear, poor little Taylor is going to have a tough transition with the new baby, but sounds Miss Chloe is going to welcome new brother/sister with open arms.
Great pictures at the Children's Museum. Doesn't look like a disaster at all!
I'm loving the pictures. They're gorgeous. So you're in the home stretch of your pregnancy - hope it continues to go well. The transition for the kids with the new baby may be tough initially but it will get better. Sebastian just about flipped out when the girls were born but they're 7 months now and both he and Emmanuel are amazing big brothers and their little sisters ADORE them. Best wishes!
Happy to hear that you're doing great with your pregnancy. The girls reactions are funny, poor Taylor, our girl Alea feels the same way about babies and her mommy. You will definitely have your hands full but you're used to that!
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