We have had a crazy couple of weeks. I have TONS of cute bday party photos coming soon. Just a review of the last 2 weeks.
Stolen---We had been home for 2 days and the 2nd day of school Jake and I walk outside our front door to take the girls to school and we can't find our minivan. You know the only car we have that has the brand new Britax Marathon carseats I had just bought for the kids in it. Yep, some jerk stole our car. So I've spent the last 2 weeks on the phone with insurance companies etc. We have 1 more week to go and then the insurance company will declare it gone for good. Just what we need--to have to go car shopping with 3 little ones a baby about to pop out! The fun never ends.
Birthday Parties--Chloe and Taylor turned 3! We had a party with a few friends, they were SO excited and had a blast decorating, wearing party dresses and opening presents. Coby turned 2, we celebrated with a few family members. He was pretty grouchy at his party because he got woke up from his nap, but once we let him play outside he was fine. He had no interest at all in his presents or his cake. He opened up one present(a bag of balls) with help from Taylor and he played with that the whole time.
Construction--We finally moved back into our house! We've been in here for about a week and things are starting to get organized. We're still in boxes and the construction is still going on, but life is somewhat back to normal. They are just finishing up odd and ends and waiting for 2 more windows to come in. My guess is 2 more weeks. It's the never ending project, but at least we can stay here while they are finishing up the details. The main living area and kids rooms are lead free. Yeah! Poor kids are trying to nap right now with saws, loud compressors and several noisy workers going up and down the stairs and slamming doors. I hate construction.
School-The girls LOVE school and the teachers love them. They have about 8 students in their class and 4 teachers so the ratio is great. Today they came home with rain sticks they had made. They have the cutest art projects, alot of stuff I don't have time to do with them at home. The head teacher said it's like they've been in preschool their whole lives. She said they fit right in and are very cooperative and good listeners. Both Chloe and Taylor get very excited on school days. The love getting ready for school, putting bows their hair and carrying their own back packs.
Sleeping Issues- This started up again when we moved back in. I think it was combination of school starting, all the chaos at the house with the construction, moving back in with daddy and having Coby stay with Grandma for a week. Both Chloe and Taylor started waking up crying at night and Taylor would cry for over an hour each night before she would fall asleep. We tried everything and then after about a week of it we decided to put them in separate rooms. Taylor now likes to sleep with the closet light on and Chloe likes it off. Drama, drama. Anyway they've both slept great the last few nights so lets hope that continues. Coby is still our champion sleeper, so at least we have one solid sleeper we can count on. Taylor told me that she really loves her baby brother Coby and she's so happy he's home with us at our house. I think all of the kids are glad to be home and be with just our family once again after 4 months of being apart. So now that they are all back on napping/sleeping schedules we'll add #4 and mess it all up again! :)
Baby #4--Only 5 weeks till due date! Jake and I had our birthing class yesterday. It was a good refresher and I feel more prepared now for the labor and delivery. My birth plan is to do everything completely natural and drug free. So if there are no major complications I should be able to do that. We still haven't picked out a name, it's hard not knowing the gender of the baby. So I think for the first few weeks we'll just call it #4 or baby. Hopefully he or she will have a name before he/she turns 1. :)
So that's our last 2 weeks in a nutshell, that's why I'm a bit behind on my blogging. Photos to follow soon!