We were supposed to start school this week but the construction crew is putting our new windows in. So we're still at Grandmas. I'm going to take the girls up to Portland this week and start them in school on Monday. They will be going MTW from 9-11:15. They are SO ready for preschool and I think they will do really well once they get adjusted to being without mommy. I've never left them with anyone but Grandma so I'm really nervous about just dropping them off and leaving them with strangers for 2 hours. At least they have each other right? Anyway it will be good for Coby to get some one on one attention from me before the baby comes. Speaking of baby I'm due Nov. 5th and everything looks right on schedule! We better start thinking of names and dig out all those newborn clothes.
And here are the babies I'm sending off to school next week.......
Good luck! Linlee cried every day for the first month of school (when she turned three). It just about killed me. (But then, she wasn't ready at all, yet needed to go because of her delays.) I think your girls will do great!
They will have a blast! Be strong-don't let the inevitable tears get to you.
Wishing the girls a great day at preschool on Monday...they will have such a good time. Lydia started a few weeks ago and could care less mommy wasn't staying with her:)
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