The other day she came running up to me and said "MOM! Dad's don't wear bras, they wear belts." Then she ran off.
And today I took her and Chloe shopping to the mall. She saw a group of teenage girls and looked at me and said, "Mom, when I'm 15 I"m not going to need to shop with my mother, I'll just go shopping with my friends."
Every night I put her to bed in normal pj's and every morning she wakes up with some weird outfit.......
How cute!! She's already talking about when she's 15?! Too funny! I love the mittens on her feet! :-)
I love that she likes picking her clothes out! Josie can't even get into her closet by herself!
T's so much fun-I notice you didn't put the "poop" comment in there . . .
Love her style!!!
Ok, it's Thanksgiving....what's the baby name?? LOL. Please announce it here too-I deactivated my FB acct and I would hate to miss out!
Hope you are having the best ever T-day!!
That's it. I'm coming to visit in march. Even if I have to walk there and it means I only get to spend an hour with you guys before turning back around. I can't take it anymore!
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