Friday, May 9, 2008

Please mom take me shopping


Anonymous said...

That's too funny. A lot of pink on that little guy!

Tiffany said...

HA!!! I love it. He's going to be scarred for life with all those pictures... poor kid. Taking him shopping! :)

Tracy said...

I LOVE it!! I could make a video of Jack too in all Amelia's clothes. I have the cutest picture (I got in a ton of trouble for taking it and Mike forbid me from posting it) of Jack in a ladybug costume (frilly skirt and all)...he was loving it, Mike not so

Haley said...

That is hilarious!!! Poor child needs some boys clothes!

Timbra said...

coby sure does make a cute girl :) when we were younger my friend kim and i used to dress her little brother up in their mom's clothes (she wore a size 4 shoe. . . very high high heels since she was like 5 feet tall. . .perfect size for an 8 year old boy). . . . so, you know, you've got a couple of years before it REALLY bugs him :)