Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Scary Larry

I was cooking lunch today and Chloe came running into the kitchen in tears. She was so upset she was shaking and waving her hands up and down. I thought maybe Taylor bit her but there were no bite marks on her. I went back into the living room to check things out and it turns out Larry King was a guest star on Sesame Street today. Oh that scary guy! Below is a re-enactment. Not nearly as dramatic as the original event, but you get the idea.


betsey said...


I'd cry too if there was a larger than life-sized Larry king in my living room.

i think it's the suspenders that really creep me out.

Tracy said...

That is so funny! I don't blame her, he is not exactly Sesame Street material I don't think:)

Tiffany said...

That was SOOOO funny! OMG... I couldn't stop laughing.

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor little Chloe! Shame on them for putting someone so scary on Sesame Street! LOL!

Anonymous said...

He is pretty darn freaky. That was too cute! Thanks for the heads up on the double stroller plus the infant seat. This one is also way too expensive, and HUGE, but a better just jogging stroller http://www.joggingstroller.com/Baby-Jogger-Q-Series-Triple.pro. Ahhh, so many options...all way too expensive, way to bulky, wak too heavy. I think we just have too many kids Natalie!! Hahaha.

Alyssa said...