All three kids had their well-child check ups this week. We're still waiting to get our records transferred over from our old peditrician, so no shots just yet. But they all met their new doctor. We tried out 3 diff. peds before we found a good one. We LOVE our new doctor. She is amazing! Thanks to Julie (SP's mom) for the recommendation! So here are our new stats. The are all SO close in size it's crazy. (Coby has been sick for a few weeks so he's lost some weight).
CHLOE: 33.75 inches tall and 28 lbs
TAYLOR: 33 inches tall and 23 lbs
COBY: 33.5 inches tall and 26lbs
Wow, that 5lb difference between the girls is huge-since they are almost the same height. Taylor is going to be a peanut (and Coby is going to be a Love that picture BTW-glad you found a MD you like, it makes all the difference huh?
Wow, it is wild how close in height and weight they are. I love pictures when you've got them all lined up facing the window; so sweet!
Taylor and Lydia must be a lot alike. At her 2 year appointment she was 32.5 inches tall and 23.5 pounds. She eats everything in sight but hasn't gained much weight in the past year. Love the picture BTW!
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