Check out Taylor's face in this first picture. This is pretty typical, Taylor trying to read a book while Chloe's bouncing off the walls.
And here's a view of playroom #2. It's still not finished, but it's getting there. It's the roughhouse room. All out of control, wild and wacky children are sent straight to the basement. I also have a rule that all the toys that make noise live in the basement.
Yep, that looks like a lot of toddler fun! Is that your play room? I'm jealous!
That thing looks awesome; that first picture is a crack up!
Wow. Then I did a double-wow when you called it playroom #2. Your kids scored BIG time!
There's nothing better than seeing kids run amuck and be kids.
I want one of those for me! That looks like a blast!!
Wow-when can we come over and play? ;)
OMG!! Taylors face is hysterical. It looks like she has had it...poor girl is just trying to read her book:) Very Cute! The playroom looks awesome!
um, i'll take one of those playrooms thank you very much. that playroom is like the size of our house, glad to see coby is getting so much use out of his birthday gift :)
I am green with envy over your play room!!
ok now i seriously can't wait to visit. you'll have a grown-up sized jumpolene by then, right?
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