We finally got a break from the rain! Today Jake and I took the kids to a beautiful park to try and get a cute photo for our Christmas card. We took 87 photographs. Here are the 5 best. (Please vote for your favorite photo of the 3 kids).




Wow-I'd hate to see the other 82! I think your best bet is to collage 3 photos (one of each) and call it good.
oh-and I like #1 the best . . .
hilarious, thank you, i thought i was the ONLY one who couldn't get a decent shot when i wanted one...of course, you do have all those other VERY successful photos...there must be a photo poltergeist out there who messes the perfect shot up when you really want it!
They are all so good-it's hard to choose:) Don't you just hate days like that? I hope you got one usable one? Looks like it is COLD there too
my favourite is photo is the number 3
well, ya know. . . you could always send out that photo at the top of the girls cooking coby, it's more "this is our family" anyway isn't it?!!!! are you gonna go for a retry? and i vote #3 and least there's some semblance of order in that one :)
Actually, i really like the one of all three of them in the garbage from the previous post. i think that should be the Christmas card.
I agree with Shali!
Oh, those are too funny! I like #1 the best with two little bottoms in the air.
We have friends with twins, and I think they were into double digits in age before they got a photo of the two of them together...you are way ahead of the game.
I'm torn between number 1 and number 3, but I think 3 is the winner!! Sorry your Christmas Card Picture Adventure was a bust but it makes for a good laugh for the rest of us!
I vote #3:) Too funny.....Will you make another attempt?
Oh dear... I am sitting here laughing so hard my stomach hurts. I'm sorry. We had an "incident" in Target yesterday. Lots of staring. I totally feel for you.
My first reaction: #3 is a gorgeous composition, but I can't see their beautiful faces.
My second reaction: Doh--I better get our act together and start thinking about holiday cards too.
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