In other news the potty training is going really well. We had 3 really "intense potty training days." During these days I had the girls drink a TON of liquid and we stayed home and went potty every 1/2 hour. I rolled up all the rugs in the house and put the girls in underpants. This way if there is an accident it's not a big deal. After 3 days Chloe really started to understand what this potty stuff is all about. Taylor totally gets it, but is fighting it. The competition between the 2 of them helps a lot. We went from clapping and dancing to buying fun underpants to giving out treats. It's been about a week now and Chloe is just about there. She hasn't had an accident in 2 days. And Taylor, we're still trying to figure out how to get inside that little head of hers. Here's one thing that really helps the potty training. We have the coolest toilet ever and when you go on the potty you get to pull the chain. Here's Chloe oh so excited to flush!
And Mr. cute guy is making some progress on his eating habits. Today he ate 3 bites of a PB and J, raisins and cheese, and 6 jars of baby veggies and meat. He still has a major spaz attack every time I try and feed him baby food BUT after I put him in a head lock and shove one bite in his mouth he decides he likes it and eats 2 or 3 jars. We do this at every meal but I can usually get him to eat at least 2 jars. I think he is getting a few molars so I'll keep giving him the mushy stuff as long as he'll eat it.
And P.S.
I've had a few people ask about the baby story update show. They decided to wait until the beginning of the year to film the update shows. It's still up in the air if we'll do it or not. It has to be filmed in NYC and we kind of swore off traveling until our kids are teenagers. :) We'll see how brave we feel when the time comes. The producer said that it might be fun for us to film the plane ride from PDX-NYC. Fun?!?!? I think TORTURE might be a better word for it.
You've got your children peeing on the potty and eating what you give them... I am so jealous! LOL! Seriously, though, good for you!
Thanks for the invite to the locked site:)
I have a question about your potty training-did you put a diaper on them for nap time or just leave them in their underwear? I did the diaper thing and Jack just cameled up and refused to go until he had his diaper on.
I think he is ready but like Taylor is I HATE potty training!!
So-can I just send Josie over there and you can potty train her? i/m trying to wait til she's "ready"-but that doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon. She'll use the potty sometimes-but only when I'm going to the bathroom usually and if we're lucky she'll actually do something. But very different than figuring out on your own that you need to go.
Wow, I am so impressed with your potty training skills...have you done this before!? Thanks for sharing what you are doing. And Paul and I were just dying over the poopy elmo story! Phoebe is a big fan too.
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