The photos below are from the park last week. Chloe asked me to help her walk along the ledge. I told her I couldn't hold her hand because I had to watch Coby (because he walks straight down the six foot slide like's it a foot long). Taylor said "You scared Chloe? I'll help you sista, I'll hold your hand."Even though Chloe's pants are about to fall off I still love these photos.
p.s. A few of you asked-the camera is a Canon PowerShot SX10 IS. Nothing too fancy but def. a step up from my little point and shoot pocket camera (that had been dropped a dozen times!)
Wow, everyone is growing up so fast!!!! They are just as cute as can be! Trish
Great pictures, especially the one with Chloe's pants falling off. Lydia looks like that most of the day too! I can't believe how much the girls are talking. Just when I think Lydia is catching up, your girls turn it up another notch.
oh sisters. . . they are just so sweet. i hope one day alani has a little sister!!! (since i can't hope that she'll hae a twin sister :)
Great photos and story.
I loved having a sister and I always wished we had a 2nd girl so Kendra had a sister. I am pretty sure my husband is done w/ 3.
But how much they will love and depend on each other.
We are not taking the kiddos. My parents are coming. Too much travel and I think it wold be too hard and this way we get some time to bond.
3 weeks till we leave. We can't wait.
So precious!
Aw that is precious! Its too bad we never loved each other that much. My most vivid memory of you growing up is being told repeatedly (by you) that I wasn't allowed in your room without your permission. Ah, the days of yesteryear.
I can't wait to see the girls! So, are they in toddler beds now? That's a big deal if they are! Just asking cause you said "Taylor crawls into Chloe's bed..."
Sweet sisters! :-)
Sisters are the best; I'm glad the girls love each other so much. They have such sweet hearts. Yes; are they in big girl beds now?
They are so great together! I just love Coby's NO pictures. That is priceless!!
Pictures are great as usual, reminds me I need a new camera. Love the way the sisters take care of each other, how special is that?! I got a little choked up, so sweet. Coby's reaction to "no" is so cute. So you've got a climber too, huh? Mine reached tabletop just the other night. How do you childproof against that?!!!
They couldn't be any sweeter. I hope they always stay that close!
Ha! Love the story... Elisabeth and Mason give eachother kisses and it's so adorable. BTW, that's the same camera I have! Isn't it great?! The zoom is the BEST!
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