A few things I wanted to write down so I don't forget:
She found a down feather from one of our couch pillows and said "oh no mommy, somebody lost an eyebrow!"
She's really bossy about getting her fingernails clipped. She'll let you do it, but only if you do it in order, starting with the pinky and working your way towards the thumb. She freaks out if you miss a finger and you are only allowed to move on to the next finger if she's satisfied with the way you clip her nail. She'll say "no, more on that one."
When I put her to bed each night and tuck her in she says "Thank you mommy, I wuv you and have a happy birtday." (My bday's in April)
We passed court. We hope to travel soon. I have pics of our sweet little boy on our blog.
What a sweet girl! The eyebrow thing was really funny. Your blog is a great way to remember things about your kids because then we can read them too!
wait-didn't I just wish you a happy birthday? What's that all about?
Oh-and Josie loves to say random happy birthdays too.
Those saying are just adorable, and I love Taylor's new look!!
that is hilarious.... love the nail clipping thing.
The eyebrow comment is too cute!
Priya wants to know what is Taylor's baby's name. Her baby's name is baby Gaga. The funniest thing that Priya has been saying lately -- when we say no sometimes she hits us or slaps at us and we always use a timeout and move our bodies away, after she has recovered from the tantrum, she'll say -- "Mom I'm sorry, I'm sorry you hit me." I'm always thinking if people over hear that and don't realize that she means I'm sorry I hit you, they'll want to report me.
Love the eyebrow story, way cute! So neat Avah says Happy Birthday all the time too. Taylor is so smart, sounds like they are saying nice long sentences too! Too adorable.
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