Chloe is all about the rules. (At least one of the kids is). One of our rules is no food or drink in the playrooms or bedrooms. Chloe will scream "oh no, no food in here, Coby no food in here!!!" every time Coby sneaks into the playroom with a cracker. She gets really upset about it and will even start crying if I don't make him take it out. She's also really obedient, most of the time. She's a rule follower, a people pleaser and she keeps her siblings in check. Now if I can get her to continue this pattern into adolescence and get the scoop on what Taylor and Coby have been up to that would be nice. :)
One of Chloe's favorite things to say are "I'm so happy!" After she has been crying she'll announce to everyone that "She's happy now." It's pretty cute. She also says "Watcha doin' mama?" quite often. She's also really in tune to how people feel. If I'm ever sick or tired she'll come up to me and say "what's wrong mama?" Today I said I was just tired and she brought me her favorite blanket and said "Here mama, this blanket will make it all better." So sweet!
She's really into her letters these days. She LOVES to make letters out of chopsticks, sticks, blades of grass, her food, just about anything. Today she came up to me and said "Look mama the water made a "T"! Sure enough when I dumped the water out of one of their cars outside it made the letter T. Chloe also LOVES to sing. She has a few songs she loves, and she's really bossy about the songs she lets you sing. If I ever start randomly singing a song, she'll go "NO mama, no sing ABC's, sing Row Row your boat instead!"
She's also likes to report on everything she sees. If she sees a bug she'll scream "A bug, a bug, I see a bug, t-t get the bug!" And she'll say this for hours on end until someone says "wow Chloe a bug." Taylor gets kind of annoyed with this and she often says things like "okay Chloe I'll smash the bug, see it's gone now, no more bug", then she'll go back to putting her puzzle together or whatever else she was doing. Another one of her favorite thins to do is announce very loudly when someone enters a room. If Coby comes downstairs after a nap she'll let everyone know that he's awake now. And if Grandma shows up at the front door she'll get super happy and run and tell every one she sees that Grandma is here. "Mama, mama, Grandma's here! You see, Grandma's here!!!!!" And she usually says something like "I'm so happy now."
She is very energetic, she never just walks into a room. She's either running or bouncing or hoping everywhere she goes. She never slows down and she often wipes out because she's constantly bouncing off the walls. She will tell me, however, when she needs a nap. Today she came up to me and said "Mom, I think I'm ready for my nap now." She naps about 2-3 hours a day and sleeps 10-11 hours at night (although she's in bed from 7-7).
She's a major follower, she copies everything Taylor does, everything. Taylor is the boss and Chloe doesn't seem to mind. She plays very nicely with her sister because they are so different. One thing that's funny though is that when they are out of the house Chloe takes over the leader role and Taylor is often the shy, quiet one. Chloe make friends very easily, at the park or play areas. It's going to be interesting to see how things go this fall at preschool.
Chloe is still a great eater. She eats just about anything. It's really nice to have at least one child who is easy to feed. :) She's getting really tall, and now wears size 3T clothing.
Chloe a such a joy to be around. She continues to be a super sweet, happy child. She has the best laugh ever, and she smiles non-stop. We can't imagine our lives without Chloe in it. What a blessing she is to us.