He follows simple commands, and understands alot of what we say. He's not nearly as verbal as the girls were at this age, but he says mama, papa, ball, baba. He knows what he wants and gets really really mad when we can't figure it out. We're hoping he starts talking more soon! We just took away his sippy cup/bottle. He was miserable for the first few days, but now he's fine and eating alot more. He's really into feeding himself with a spoon these days. He likes baby food again. He won't eat veggies or fruit unless they come from a jar. He's super picky about the textures of food so we're working on trying to get him to eat more of a variety. My big goal this summer is to get him to eat a blueberry. :)
He loves loves loves his sisters (most of the time). He wants to do whatever they are doing and he thinks everything they do is funny. He's super easy to make laugh and he has the cutest laugh/smile you've ever seen. He's really into stacking blocks, or just about anything he can find. His other favorite things to play with are his shape sorter, puzzles, cars, and of course his slide. He likes to go down headfirst and backwards.
He's also a big cuddler these days. He comes up to Jake and I throughout the day just for a hug. He'll let you hold him for 10 minutes or so then he's back to playing. He'll even fall asleep on you occasionally while you're holding him, which he hasn't done since he was about 4 mos. old. I love it! He continues to be our best sleeper. He sleeps 7-7 at night and lately has been napping 3-4 hours each day from about 12-4.
He still has not figured out how to bite or hit his sisters, even though they deserve it. :) The boy is a sweetheart! The one naughty thing he does is headbutt when he wants something. When I take him out, he tries to headbutt and tip over kids twice his size. He'll run and grab the ankles of a 4 year old kid and knock him over. He does this when he wants a turn on the slide but doesn't want to wait in line. :) My rule when we are out is that if he makes 3 kids cry I take him home.
Oh and he is HUGE. He's in 3T clothing right now. They fit him perfectly. He has his 18 month appointment next month so I'll have a more accurate update then. I'm guessing he's around 30 lbs.
Nice tower, Coby! i'm guessing he's more like 34 lbs . . . . he's a big guy!
He's is a big boy! (He weighs more than my four year old.) And what a cutie. I think his head-butting is a creative solution for a 17 month old. You are so lucky he just comes up to you for cuddles. I would love that. (Well, Linlee does sometimes, but for just a quick hug ususally.)
I actually went awwwwwww out loud when I saw coby hugging elmo. Why am I not surprised he is a climber. He has Chloe to show him the ropes ;)
wow, he really is a good stacker. I can't believe he's wearing 3T! And you forgot to mention what an awesome dancer he is; I know I've seen him out there getting his groove on!
OMG --he is just so darn cute. I love the last pic of the two of you.
what a sweet sweet boy!!! i love the cuddling, it's the BEST!! Thanks for the update on your "little guy." Eventually i'll get those pictures online :)
Did you just add that last pick? I love it!
Coby is SOOO cute!!! I just love all those pictures!
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