Taylor and Chloe still say "Happy Birthday!" every night when we put them to bed. They've been doing this since Christmas. I'm not really sure if they understand what a birthday is yet, but they do know it involves cake, candles, presents and of course birthday hats. All day Chloe was saying "It's mommy's birthday, it's Chloe's birthday, it's Taylor's birthday, etc. Taylor kept getting really mad at her and saying "It's no kid's birthday!!! It's only mommy's birthday!"
Jake was able to come with my to the Dr. on Thur since the kids were away. It was pretty exciting seeing a baby on the ultrasound. I guess you never really believe it till you see it. I think my due date is early Nov, so I'm about 3 months along. Coby will be 2 and the girls will be 3 by then, so we feel like it's good timing. Things never work out how we plan them to but at least it's not triplets! I feel like one baby will be SO easy compared to what things were like when Coby was a newborn. And having my family here this time to help will make a huge difference. My mom's offered to take the kids for a week or two when the baby is first born. I can't even imagine how awesome that will be to just come home to an empty house to recover and get settled with baby #4.
That is so awesome! Congratulations!!!! And...Happy Birthday.
You have INCHWORMS! OMG! I had one of those when I was a kid. We are SO coming over there to play. Do you have a Sit-n-spin too? Actually we tried one (sitnspin) at playboutique but Josie couldn't figure it out-she just fell off.
You know what's weird-just today while we were playing bubbles, Josie looked at me and said, "Happy Birthday!"
BTW-I asked Josie if she'd like Taylor and Chloe to come over and play. She's all "Yeah!" Then I told her she'd have to share her toys-then she's like, "Noooo!" (in a really funny voice). I'm working on it . . . .
oh, yeah yeah, happy birthday and all but those worm riding toys. . . hysterical!! Glad to hear that baby #4 is coming along nicely!
Happy Birthday!! I'm jealous about your empty house-I am ready for a few days away without my kids too:)
Your girls are going to be such great helpers with the new baby I bet. They will be at a great age-it will be interesting to see how Coby is...he may take the girls lead (since he's almost like a triplet) or get very jealous and hate the new baby (that's what Amelia did-she was 2.5 when we adopted Jack and it was rough going for a while).
Happy birthday!
It's funny how Jake looks bigger than his older sisters in the last picture. He's not even two yet!
happy birthday. . i didn't know our bdays were so close together!!! despite it not being a "kid's birthday" it sure looked like one!!! ha!!! how nice for you guys to get a little peace as a birthday gift to mom of three and mom to be!!!
ok, so I get a little busy and don't stop by your blog for awhile and next thing I know you're pregnant! Congratulations!!! Truly very happy for you! Are you gonna do another Baby Story? You could be their all time favorite repeat performer. ;0)
Happy birthday!! :-)
I'm due in early November too--how fun! :-)
Happy Birthday Natalie. We're so excited about baby #4. You guys will have lots of help and I'll volunteer to hold the baby at playgroups if that helps. It'll be lots of fun. We miss you guys.
Wow, I missed a lot of wonderful news. Congratulations on #4!!! And happy belated birthday. Imagine the oodles of fun that'll be coming your way. I am overjoyed for you.
Yay! Congratulations on being pregnant! Let me know if you need any tips on raising 4 under 4. My biggest advice - just breathe!!!! We wish you all the best! It's going to be awesome.
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