Coby is 2 years 4 months old. He's over 38 inches tall and weighs close to 40lbs. He wears a size 4T. He's a big boy. He has just realized how big he is and has started to pick on his sisters. He and Taylor have been fighting for position of top dog around here. It's going to be a long battle because both of them are very strong willed.
Coby knows all of his alphabet letters and has just recently mastered the sound each letter makes. He can almost count to 20 and backwards from 5. He's really started to talk and repeat things. He's made a ton of progress in the last month and has too many words to count.
Coby still sleeps in a crib but has started to climb out of it. He has a big boy bed in his room and sleeps in it occasionally. He takes a nap each day for around 2-3 hours and sleeps around 11-12 hours at night.
Tantrums, tantrums, tantrums. Coby knows how to throw an tantrum. These just started a few weeks after Tanner was born. He's having a really hard time adjusting to his new role as big brother. It's been really hard the past month or so but I think it's starting to get better. We're trying to develop new routines with him, like doing fun activities when mommy has to feed the baby. Tanner is also getting easier during the day and this gives me more time with Coby.
Coby is such a joy. He's the sweetest little boy and when he's happy he's really happy. He loves to cuddle and if you sit next to him on the couch he'll wrap your arms around him. He just loves to be held. Even though he fights with his sisters now he really loves them. They have so much fun together and love to have dance parties. I can't wait to see the relationship between Coby and Tanner develop. I hope they will be the best of friends. Here's a little video of the two of them together.
Sounds like Coby is doing fabulous! That video of the two brothers is SO SWEET.
I love the video of the brothers--so sweet!
I am super impressed that Coby knows all of his letters and letter sounds! He's ready for kindergarten! You can send him to my class next year! :-)
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