Tanner had his 2 month appointment last week. He's about 25 inches long and a little over 13lbs. Even though he weighs alot the dr. said he could stand to gain a few pounds because he's so long. He suggested we start supplement with bottles and rice cereal. We've been giving him 1 small bottle at night right after he nurses and it's really helped him sleep. He's starting to sleep 5-6 hours at a stretch which is awesome. It feels so good to get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time. We've also started to teach him to fall asleep on his own and that's helped make our days easier. No more rocking him for an hour to get him to sleep for a 1/2 hour. He's starting to fall into a predictable schedule. I think the worst is over, at least I hope so. :)
I still have Christmas photos and more to post. We've been having a rough 2 weeks but as things settle down I'll catch up. Coby has just realized that he has a baby brother and that the baby is not going away. He's been a real stinker lately not leaving me much free time for anything except sleeping and the occasional shower.
Here's Tanner at 2 months......

Such a precious two month old!! We've been going through the same thing with Molly the last couple of weeks. I think she's getting better, but for awhile there, she was SO clingy and whinny. Hopefully they will get used to their new roles as big brother/sister soon!
Glad you're getting more sleep! He's such a cutie.
Tanner is as gorgeous as the rest of your beautiful kids. What a great face and big like his brother too, sweet!
What a beautiful baby boy!
Tanner is one handsome little guy. He looks like a dark haired Coby to me.
Glad you are starting to get more sleep. It's so important. That's the one thing I'm totally scared of about this next adoption; losing all my good sleep. (Not that it's great sleep because Linlee wakes up several times a night singing and playing, but at least I don't have to get up with her.)
he's such a cutie!! glad that your getting more sleep, or at least i assume you are since this post and hopefully the extra food is doing the trick! your an amazing mom for managing 4 little ones even if you feel at times your no managing!
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