Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I hava go

One night I read Taylor a potty training book about baby grover called "I have to go." The next afternoon she was outside and she kept saying over and over "I hava go, I hava go." She sat down on her potty and went pee-pee! She now tells us when she has to go and she runs to the potty and goes all by herself. We are on day 2 of potty training with Taylor and she's doing a great job!


anna murch said...

She's such a genius.

Colleen said...

I'm so jealous! (I plan to start Linlee next month, which I guess is only a few days way.)

Tracy said...

Oh man am I jealous!! I can't believe she caught on so quick..such a smartie she is....they are going to kill you for those pictures of them with the potties on their

jujcrave said...

Go Taylor! You must be a lot stronger than I am with potty training. I have tried off and on for about two weeks now, and Lydia just isn't getting the whole pee-pee thing. She has done #2 since about 16 months,(she has had a lot of trouble in that area and this seemed to help). Good Luck!

betsey said...

high five for taylor!