Just chillin' in the airport
Ready for take off!
The baby who would NOT fall asleep
and finally....
An update:
We are slowing adjusting to life here on the West Coast. The babies are almost back to normal and back on a schedule for the most part. Coby is happy as ever, sleeping and eating like a champ and loving the extra attention. I'm keeping the girls away from everyone except for family for a few weeks to help them adjust. No visitors allowed at my parents house. :) We do go out a little, and they seem to be fine with that. What really upsets them is when new people talk to them, they don't seem to mind the crowds too much. Staying home alot has really been helping Chloe. She got really overwhelmed with all of the chaos and people visiting before we left and was starting to do things like close her eyes and hide her face when we were out in public because she didn't want to see anyone. It was really sad to see our little social butterfly this way, but I think she just got really confused. The last time the girls had a huge change like this in their lives was when we left Vietnam, their first home. I think it brought back a few of the feelings, even though they were so young when they came home. We had our first big outing today, to the county fair. They both did very well, it helped that there were TONS of farm animals to pet. (pictures coming soon). I wish they were old enough to talk to me and tell me what they were thinking, but it's all a mystery! Jake and I are starting to shop for houses this weekend. We've got a ton of open houses to check out in Portland. Hopefully we'll find something good!
I am glad everyone is adjusting to your new home. It's so hard on adults to leave everything behind, I can't even imagine what it must be like for little kids!
I'm sorry this big change is hard on the girls. You are such a good mama to protect them by having regular days at home with only the grandparents as much as possible. (Last year when Linlee was two, she hated our vacation with twenty of my relatives. She kept wanting to hide in our cabin or the car.) I hope your little ones adjust soon and return to their confident, social selves.
Good luck house hunting! Fun, fun, fun!
Did you go to the Marion county fair? We went on Saturday. My niece and nephew show rabbits and they do cooking, photography, art, etc. Lots of fun!
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