I just had to steal this first photo from Julie (Josie's mommy). Great shot Julie!

Meeting of the minds
"You listen up and you listen good! I have dibs on the girl in the blue puppy shirt."
Trying to round the kids up for a picture
Coby, Chloe, Taylor, Priya, SP, SP's Mommy, and Josie.

Josie making a break for it!
these pictures are so great!
ZAT, I think you could make lots of money as a photographer, you have such a good eye for photos...
oops i think i sent that twice i thought blogger was yelling at me! just don't approve one of them, or this one for that matter! <3
Great photos! I'm going to try to get my blog updated tonite. I did get them up on FB though-have a really cute one of Chloe. I love the one with the three of them hanging . . .
There was just too much cuteness at that park! I loved the picture of Taylor and the little guy eyeing each other (or maybe they just wanted to trade snacks!). Also, the picture of the three little girls hanging from the bar together is adorable!
Is Chloe telling someone off in that last picture!! Looks like a fun day at the park!
it's great that you brought along the token white kid :) cute babies, one and all! Seems like you guys have a good play/support group for the mamas too.
That day looks like so much fun! I love that first picture of Chloe and also the one of Coby going down the slide in the birthday pics.
oh my gosh Natalie. these are great. You did an awesome job capturing their expressions. The picture of the 3 hanging on the bar is to die for. SUPER CUTE.
What a wonderful playday! And the perfect evidence to show your kids what a great childhood they had growing up if they ever complain about anything...ha-ha.
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