*And on a side note:
Coby has been practicing taking a few steps at time this last week. And Taylor has been making fun of him. (Another video I need to upload). She would watch him take a few steps and fall over. Then she would walk really slow with her arms outstrecthed and her legs far apart just like Coby, fall over and start laughing really hard. Can you believe this little girl would make fun of her baby brother? :)
oh boy, 3 walkers!!!
How exciting that Coby is walking!! He's a superstar accomplishing that task well before his birthday! Having the three of them running around playing with each other must put the biggest smile on their mamma's face! Thank goodness you baby proofed before moving in; there's no stopping any of them now!
It cracks me up how Coby uses his arms for balance. *Run, Coby, Run!*
SOOO cute!
Trouble X 3!!! Watch out!!!
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