(You can tell that he loves red popsicles).
All of a sudden these 2 little troublemakers decided that they had to go pee-pee in the potty at the exact same time. Go figure.
Mommy came back about 30 seconds later to find Coby like this.
*****Oh and the red popsicle...well you'll have to ask Cooper about that one.
Wow; that's really funny and a little scary all at the same time! My real question though is; what happened to the popsicle!?!
maybe he was just trying to turn off baby einstein, since obviously it was over. . . . and did he use the red popsicle to jam up the dvd player :)? It cracks me up that your kiddos know how to do that, I've never shown Alani photos of them climbing about in their high chairs because I don't know that it's ever occured to her to do such a thing :) props the girls for going peepee in the potty. . . .
They do act fast don't they? Wow, they are all growing up so fast, seems like just yesterday we were all bringing these babes home!
They always get you when you walk away :) Cute that you got some pics of it :)
Where is the red popsicle? At least it isn't on your computer!!!
Good climbing..I guess LOL
Uh oh, you're in trouble. Okay, we all want to know where the popsicle went!
Lola does the exact same thing! It totally drives Matt nuts!
I think the red popsicle is in Cooper's tummy.
3 mobile climbers? Geez! Never a dull moment. I linked to your blog from Laurie's and was catching up a bit on your lives... congrats on the move to Portland and Happy B-day to Coby! How time flies, huh? Your kids are gorgeous! So I guess you saw our big news on my comment on Laurie's blog - crazy, huh? 4 kids under 3 by January.... you've gotta give me twin tips!
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