This is the first time the girls had a whole apple, not just a small piece. They were very excited about it. The only problem is, there was only one apple. One of anything doesn't go over well at our house.

I've got an apple and you don't....

check out that grip

Give me that apple!

Come and get me Taylor, I dare you.
oh my gosh, too funny, and the apple with all the little bit marks on it was cracking me up just as much as the fight over it!
Hi. I just had the chance to look back at your last few blogs. Wow, they are so cute. I love the last comment you made in this post, "one of anything doesn't do so well in this house..". Oh, I know that so well. I don't even try (not even a little) to get the girls to really understand sharing at this point. Maybe in another 6 months or so. My husband actually said the other day "Hey, let's just buy one little jeep-car-thing (the little motorized things they drive in...) and they can share it"! Hah! Can you imagine!!???
Great your blog,
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