I know what you're thinking. How can 2 babies this cute be so naughty? Can the terrible twos show up 6 mos early? Lately I can't take these two anywhere. They want to walk everywhere and won't sit in a stroller for more than 30 seconds. I took the girls out to run some errands while Coby and dad took morning naps. The post office was a mild disaster. I foolishly decided to make a quick trip to the Gap to have the girls try on a few dresses. (I usually buy all of their clothing online, but we are having their pictures taken and I wanted to make sure I ordered the right size dresses). As soon as we walk inside they both run off in opposite directions. Within seconds Taylor was undressing the mannequin. She had the mannequin's shoes and was running around holding one in each hand yelling "shoes, shoes!" I pick her up only to find Chloe holding a stack of about 10 pairs of girls' jeans. I put Taylor down to fix what Chloe had destroyed and then Taylor grabs about 20 t-shirts and starts running as fast as she can flinging them left and right. It didn't help that we were the only ones in the store. Anyway I managed to pick them both up, grab the dresses and head towards the dressing room. Boy was that fun, running in and out of each dressing room, banging hangers against the mirrors, slamming doors and climbing all over the place. What happened to the 2 well behaved little girls that used to stand right by my side? Thank God Coby can't walk.
Yikes...it sounds like you are out numbered there! It is crazy how quickly kids change...I swear one day Phoebe was an angel (still is in most respects) and the next day she gave me...!THE! look. I knew we were in trouble then. Oh, and thanks for the sleep advice...I found it very comforting to know that you went through something similar.:)
Sorry for laughing, but great post. They change and get so independant so quickly. Thanks for your comment, I'm looking forward to following your blog, what a darling family!
PS the skirts you noticed are actually dresses, I just put a tank top over the top to look like skirts, liked it better that way. I got them at "The Children's Place", only $12 each. Where do you shop online?
That story is great! Sounds like they are full of fun and energy:) Love the little shirts by the way. Oh yea, and the picnic for 3 picture is adorable as are the peek a boo pics (Jack loves that game also).
I had a very similar experience at the baby Gap when Christian was about your girls' age. It was a complete nightmare and I haven't taken him shopping since unless we're at a store that has a shopping cart to put him in. The terrible two's start early and then get even more fun after they turn two...just wait...:)
Still don't see how you do it with multiples!!!
Gosh, I hope you found the dresses you were looking for after all that! I bet the girls will find that story hysterical when they are older.
I feel better now about Josie . . .
Lol. The terrible two's showed up at our house at 14 months!! It's normal..... Enjoy it will be over quickly. I promise.
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