Lately Taylor has been stuffing random things down her shirt. It's usually a toy but in this case it was a big piece of cardboard. Somehow I managed to put her in the car and buckle her in her carseat without noticing. When we started walking into the children's museum I noticed her shirt was sticking out funny. She had a huge piece of cardboard in there. I took it out and she started crying, ripped it out of my hand and immediately stuck it back down her shirt(pictured below). Then she happily walked away. We love her even though she's strange.

She's smart...that's a safe spot many women have been using for years!
Oh, that's too funny! (Maybe she needs some pockets. LOL!)
Too funny, Alani (my niece) likes to stick things down here shirt as well, but she does it as a game because after she does it she'll ask where the object went!!
yeah, thanks haley. . . lately she's been trying to snag things she knows she shouldn't have. . like for instance a cough drop a few weeks ago, she put it in her shirt (behind her back) and then she was so proud of having snagged it without my notice that she took it out to show me .. . sneaky girl!!! anyway, it could be worse, she could be hiding change all over the house (that's what alani does!)
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