It amazes me how different Taylor and Chloe are. Chloe likes to play with people, not toys. She is a very loud baby, almost always either laughing or crying. Taylor on the other hand enjoys puzzles, playing with shape sorters and organizing her toys. She almost always picks up after herself. She'll play with a toy then put it right back where she found it before she plays with something else. Chloe likes to dump out the toy box and then put it on her head and run around laughing her head off. Taylor will take each toy out of the toy box one at a time, inspect it and figure out how to take it apart. She tries to do weird things like grab 3-d objects off of pages in her books or turn the pages, that aren't really pages, of her board books. She gets really mad when she can't do something like take the ice cream off of her play ice cream cone. Chloe grabs the pretend ice cream cone, goes "mmmmmm" licks it and flings it across the room. Here they are playing 2 feet apart in completely different worlds.(poor coby is not always happy to play chloe's games, but hey--who ever said being a little brother would be easy)?
We have 4 kids under 4. Chloe and Taylor were born in Vietnam in Sept. 2006. Little brother Jake was born in Sept of 2007. And Tanner joined our family in Nov 2009.
So cute!
Oh boy, they are very different! I wish Linlee would enjoy putting away her toys when she was done playing with them.
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