Sunday, July 6, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well not quite, but we do hope to begin the house shopping this week! We made it safe and sound to Oregon and we are so happy not to have to get on a plane again for a long, long time. The kids were very happy to see Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Anna at the airport. When we arrived at my parent's house they started smiling again and running around like crazy. We were just here a month ago so it is all familiar to them. The poor little babies have been through a lot this past week so it is nice to have them settled again. I have a TON of cute pictures that I will post soon!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! We probably passed you somewhere on our way home from Cannon Beach this weekend. Good luck house hunting!

laurenk said...

we're glad to hear you guys are got there safe + sound!! we miss you all a ton already...

LaLa said...

So glad you made it safely!!!! Have fun with the family : )

Oh, I have been meaning to ask you~ Coby is on our "short list" of names but I notice he is Jake sometimes too....just wondering how you decided on the spelling as we are going around and around about it??

Jules said...

Seriously? A TON of cute pics? YOU? No way!

Glad you survived the trip-good luck househunting! BTW-Beaverton/Hillsboro is a good area to look.

insanemommy said...

Waiting for the cute pictures...glad your at your mom and dads too.