Saturday, April 5, 2008

Time OUT!

Lately, Taylor had been in time out at least once a day. She's been kind of naughty. For some reason it's so stinkin' cute when she sits in the corner. See for yourself......

Taylor sitting in time out

She likes to put her hands over her eyes when she's in time out

Who me? Bite my sister?

And this is the face she puts on as soon as well tell her she can get up


Anonymous said...

That is adorable! I can't wait to see the studio pics...Jack had a freak out moment at the studio time before last too....

Anonymous said...

That cutie-petutie naughty? I don't believe it! (Love the happy, "all done with time-out" face!)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! How cute! There is just no way you can stay mad at that face for very long!