Yesterday Coby had his 6 month old check up. Jake and I both like to go to the well child visits, which mean Chloe and Taylor come along as well. They've all been a little sick lately so we got the girls ears checked out and it turns out they both had bad ear infections. Yikes. So out of our 6 baby ears 5 of them weren't doing so well. Coby, the lucky guy, has the one good ear. He had a good report from the doctor, he's developing right on target and ahead of schedule in some areas. And the good news is he's a happy, healthy little guy! Well maybe not so little--he is HUGE. He's 30 inches tall and weights about 19 1/2 pounds. That's 120th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. He fits nicely in 18 month clothing at 6 months. He loves to eat, the doctor said we can start cheerios and puffs. After our visit we headed off the the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions for all 3 of them. Chloe was happy all day despite her ear infections but Taylor was a total mess. Poor little thing does not do well if she's sick or tired. Jake took the day off to help with the babies, which is why I have the coolest husband ever!
Here is Coby sitting up....
Coby is big! (Linlee still wears some 18 mo. items at age three.) Glad he's so happy and healthy; what more could you ask for? Sorry the babies have ear infections. Hope they are feeling better soon!
Awww, he's such a big boy! And he's got a little bit of hair. So cute. Can't wait to see them so soon!!
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