Our sweet little Taylor, she is quiet, she’s mommy’s little shadow. She is the smallest of the 3 kids. She is really starting to talk a lot and likes to repeat what we say. Taylor is doing very well with her 2 syllable words such as baby, elbow, and pasta. She pronounces them very clearly. She is still very attached to mommy, and likes to be held a lot. She is also very into being a big girl. She doesn’t like to sit in her high chair anymore. She likes to walk up and down the stairs like a big kid. She likes taking care of her baby brother, feeding him, bringing him his binky and toys. Taylor loves her books. She is constantly holding a book up to mommy saying, “book, book, book.” She has to sit right in the middle of your lap when you read to her. She’s started to learn which animals make certain noises. Her new thing is to run around the house with her toy sheep and say “baaa, baaaa.” She also says “moooo” when she sees a cow. She has started to nap on a regular basis, she has turned into quite the little sleeper. She falls asleep each night by 7:15 and takes a 1-2 hour nap each day. She's a tough little kid, didn't even cry at the doctor when she got her shots. She rarely cries, it's usually just when she's tired. She is still a biter. She usually bites when she’s tired or hungry or really excited (?). And something I love about her is she still licks things to fall asleep. It’s so funny, when she’s tired she starts licking whatever is nearby and before you know it she's fast asleep. And this is how Taylor sings the ABC’s. "A...B....C...E....I...E...I...O....W.” Its so cute! Here are a few recent snapshots of our little Taylor girl!

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