Walkin' around in gamma's shoes sporting our oh so cute skirts (thanks gamma)!

Easter baskets that gamma made us

Adorable hand painted eggs from gamma with our names on them
Coby hanging out with gamma and gabby

Taylor enjoying Easter dinner

Sitting with the big kids

A much needed bottle break

A couple of cute faces from Coby

Gotta love that ham

Sharing the rest of my ham with Cooper

Just Chillin'

A little Chloe cuteness

All dressed up for pictures

Dinner time for Coby

Isn't that funny how little girls like to dress up in shoes? Linlee does that too.
Looks like your family had a wonderful Easter. Great pictures!
Hi there! My name is Heather. I enjoy reading your blog. I love all of the wonderful pictures you put up of your beautiful children. My husband, Tom, and I are in the process of adopting from Vietnam. Just thought that I would say,"hello" and introduce myself.
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