7:15 All babies up, bottles and breakfast
8:30 Coby takes a 2 hour nap
8:45 Mommy takes Chloe and Taylor out for a fun time
10:30 Mommy and girls back home
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Coby naps
1:30 Chloe naps (and on a good day Taylor naps)
4:00 All babies up and out to do errands or out for a walk
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Coby goes to bed, girls get ready for bed
7:00 Girls in bed
7:01 Mommy and Daddy party
Of course with 3 babies it varies a little from day to day, but we usually stick to it, and it makes life soooo much easier. I would say that 93% of the time I love my life and then there are those moments. The ones where I feel like crying or pulling my hair out. These moments usually happen 1-2x a day. And they usually involve 2-3 crying babies. Here is an example of one of "the moments." I was giving Chloe and Taylor a bath. Baby Jake was very upset. I managed to get the two girls undressed and in the tub, while holding a screaming baby. About 3 minutes into the bath the girls started to poor water on each others heads which turned into a baby fight. Chloe pushed Taylor and she bumped her chin on the bathtub and started to wail. She wanted to get out of the tub, so I laid a crying Coby on the bathmat, and quickly got Taylor out of the bathtub and dried her off. She is now even more upset because she's cold and hurt. I then grabbed Chloe (the only non-crying baby) and dried her off. I picked Coby up and ran into the other room to get 2 diapers and just as I am coming back into the bathroom Chloe pees all over the floor and then slips in it. She is now covered in pee and hysterically crying. And of course Taylor steps it as well, and she's crying even louder because Chloe is crying, which makes Coby step it up a notch. So now I have 3 crying babies and Chloe and Taylor are dirtier than they were before their bath. Fun times. :) I love my little babies and even though we have some crazy times they make me so happy!! Here are few pictures after bath time cuddling with mommy.....

Oh dear, that bath time story sounds like a horror! I think I would have been crying as well. Glad you survived it.
Nat, you are doing a great job. I am very proud of you. The kids look great. (you do too) Loe you all. Cheryl
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