It was one year ago today that mommy and daddy traveled to Vietnam
to pick you up. We were so happy when we finally got to hold, and
feed you and cuddle with you. You two have made me the luckiest
mommy in the entire world. I thank God every single day that he
chose me to be your mommy and daddy to be your daddy. I love you
more than anything and cannot imagine my world with out you in it.
Thank you for being such sweet, loveable little girls. Mommy and daddy
want you both to know that we always be here for you and love you
more each and every day.

HI! I saw you on TLC today! We adopted from Ukraine over 3 years ago. I was wondering about Vietnam. Could you tell me more? Who did you adopt though? Etc. etc. :)
Thanks! It was fun reading your blog!
Happy Gotcha Day anniversary to your family! I also caught your show on A Baby's Story last week. Wow, I was impressed with your bravery in so many ways. So glad I found your blog and can follow along with the rest of your story...
Colleen :)
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