Chloe is the happiest baby on earth. Nobody has as much fun as Chloe, nobody. On average, about 4x a day she will have these uncontrollable bouts of laughter. I’ll have to post a video for you, it’s incredibly cute. She loves to please and is a very easy baby. She’s still a bit moody at times, but nothing that can’t be fixed with a chewy (cloth diaper), a bottle, or a hug from mommy or daddy. She takes simple direction very well and understands most of what we say. Her new favorite thing is to wave and say bye-bye to EVERYONE. When we go out somewhere, she says bye-bye to everyone we pass by. It’s extremely cute and she knows it. She also says bye bye to mommy each night when daddy takes her upstairs for books and bed. She’s also a very loud baby. She loves to talk, very loudly and she’ll have a conversation with you only she talks baby talk. She sounds like she’s saying real words but if you listen close enough it’s all gibberish. Today we were walking from the library to our car and this nice older woman kept looking at Chloe and saying, “oh she’s just so cute.” Chloe would smile and laugh at her. This went on for a minute or two and then the woman said “you’re just so cute, I want to take you home with me.” And Chloe then burst in to tears and came running to me to pick her up. Chloe also loves to go places. She’s very into putting her shoes and socks on and she never forgets her hat or coat. She also loves to get dressed up. She loves dresses, and bows and necklaces and for some reason she loves to wear gloves. She doesn’t like to eat as much as she used to and has gotten pretty picky. She’ll shak her head ‘no’ if she doesn’t want something. She’s still a great sleeper (thank God!). She sleeps 12 hours at night takes a 2-3 hour naps each day. She loves her crib, she loves to talk to herself as she falls asleep each night. (sometimes mommy video tapes the baby monitor because it’s just so cute to hear her talk). Here are a few pictures of our little Chloe being Chloe.

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