Our little baby girls are 18 months old this week! They have changed so much over the past year. They're learning new words every day and both talking up a storm! They have really started to bond with each other. The do have their occasional "baby fights," but most of the time they play very nicely together. They have their own little baby language and the best is when they yell at each other in baby language. We have no idea what they are saying but they can make each other cry just by saying certain things. The are both good sleepers. Chloe wakes up early and Taylor likes to sleep in. Each day when they see each other for the first time they both get huge grins on their faces and giggle. If I leave Chloe in her crib for a few minutes while Taylor is still asleep, she will stand up and look at sleeping Taylor and say "ought oooo, ought oooo." She'll say "ought oooo" until she wakes up Taylor. It's pretty cute. They are so much fun and there is never a dull moment(except when they are both asleep). We love you Chloe and Taylor!!!!
That must be so fun to hear your girls talk to each other in their own language. It just kills me that they can already hurt each others feelings with baby babble. It starts so early!
We have 4 kids under 4. Chloe and Taylor were born in Vietnam in Sept. 2006. Little brother Jake was born in Sept of 2007. And Tanner joined our family in Nov 2009.
That must be so fun to hear your girls talk to each other in their own language. It just kills me that they can already hurt each others feelings with baby babble. It starts so early!
Happy 18 months to your two cuties!
So sweet...happy 18 months!
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