Monday, May 25, 2009

Chloe's new haircut

We finally decided to cut Chloe's bangs. Now she can see. :)


Colleen said...

Very cute! I love them.

Sandra & Steve said...

One of the harder things I've done to date...letting go of baby hair. But isn't it NICE to see their sweet faces! It's true you know, once you go bangs you never go back.

Julie said...

I love all your new pictures. Chloe's bangs are very cute and Coby's grumpy face made me smile. Why can't we all look adorable when we're grumpy?

The Hines Family said...

SO cute! I have been incredibly tempted to do the same with Molly's hair! It sure does look adorable on Miss Chloe! :-)

Jules said...

looks really good! Amazing how something like bangs can change the look of a face-she looks so much older now.

Julie and Dean said...

Um hello, are you trying to psych me out?? I took a chance today that maybe just maybe you decided to continue to blog. AND there you were, with tons of new pictures that I have been missing! The K Kids look so gorgeous. I love the last picture of Taylor where she is lying down, a couple of posts ago. miss you guys.
P.S. We're training for a marathon in October. So get that team ready for hood to coast. We are SO in!

Timbra said...

love the bangs, sweet sweet girly!