Sunday, November 30, 2008

Awesome trip to the zoo

Jake and I took the kids to the zoo. It was Jake's first time to go to the Portland Zoo and the kids had a blast. We went at the end of the day and all of the animals were out, including the baby elephant which Taylor calls "so cute." Here are a few photos from our trip to the zoo:

Chloe is very excited about those big stuffed bears!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're so lucky to be able to spend Thanksgiving at my parents house with family and friends. All three babies are sound asleep and we're about to eat. Perfect timing! Jake and I will actually get to sit down and eat Thanksgiving dinner this year! Here's a photo of the babies taken about an hour ago:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So how's that for a cute Christmas Card? It really shows what life is like with our 3 little angels. For some reason Santa was much scarier this year than last year. Here's last year's photo with Santa. It's funny to compare the 2 side by side. I was glad that Santa was brave enough to hold all 3 this year so I didn't have to be in the picture.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Big news

We get our rugs back. Now that Chloe makes it to the potty 95% of the time I figured I'd take my chances and roll the rugs back out.

All ready for Christmas

A few days ago I decided to try the kids Christmas outfits on them. I think it's kind of pointless to spend alot of money on something they are going to wear for one day. So I tried to squeeze the girls into last years Christmas dresses(which I bought at a tag sale for $5). Coby wouldn't fit into his outfit from last year, so I bought him this cute shirt and vest at the second hand store. And of course I had to snap a few photos. The lighting was horrible, we were inside and the kids didn't really cooperate. What a shocker. But hey at least they're getting older. Check them out last year:

Helping with the laundry

Short stuff

*I guess there's a reason the kitchen box said "ages 3 and up."

Chloe and Josie

Taylor spent the weekend with Grandma, and daddy spent the day with Coby so mommy could have some one on one time with Chloe. It was really nice to be able to hang out with just Chloe. She's our best sleeper so I don't get as much one on one time with her as I do with the other two kids. We had a great day Friday. We went shopping, out to lunch and then after a nice long nap we had a playdate with Josie! Julie (Josie's mom) invited us to this place called the play boutique. Chloe had a blast. She ate dinner and then ran around like a crazy kid for 2 hours. Here's a few photos of the girls:

Taking my head off

Taylor came up to me the other day and said, "wook mom, I'm taking my head off."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving dresses

My mom made the girls these cute Thanksgiving dresses. Everyone needs a Thanksgiving day dress right? I told Taylor that Grandma made the dress for her and she said, "I like it, oh thank you Grandma." Then she said "phone call Grandma." And we called Grandma to say Thank You.

A Beautiful day at the park