Saturday, November 15, 2008

Little Miss Taylor

Little miss Taylor is back in diapers. I won't bore you with the details. (Chloe is almost totally trained). So at least we only have 2 in diapers now. We're going to try again with Taylor in a month of so.


Jules said...

Oh well-it will happen. At least-that's what I keep telling myself. It's not like you see a lot of adults who "just never got the hang of it".

Besides she's adorable and can do a mean balance beam.

Tracy said...

Oh, that's too bad...I'm sure you were looking forward to only one in diapers. Sounds like Chloe took to it like a champ though.

Colleen said...

Those are awfully sweet pictures of Taylor kissing her brother. You know we have huge potty training woes at this house, so I sympathize.

Tiffany said...

Oh well... I just noticed something though.... maybe it was because Chloe got to go on the trip to the store to get all the "supplies". (panties and such) ???

Maybe Taylor needs her own trip to the store? :)

Susan said...

I am still waaaay impressed that you've got one two-year old out of diapers.