Thursday, November 6, 2008

A few thoughts from Taylor

Just a few things Taylor has been saying that I wanted to write down because they're so darn cute!

Mommy: "Taylor why were you crying?"
Taylor: "My eyes were sad."

Mommy: "How old are you?"
Taylor: (holding up 5 fingers) "I'm three!"

Taylor on top of the couch, the crib, the toilet, the table. "wook mom! I'm climbing!"

And her response to almost every question I ask her "No! My turn."


Jennifer Cheer said...

She is precious! What sweet sayings:) Those are awesome to write down- too cute!

Timbra said...

yeah "no it's my turn" is my WHOLE life. . . . i love the header photo, that makes me laugh so hard!!! good job on potty training.

Colleen said...

Awe, I love the things she says!