Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Big sisters, little brother

This sequence of photos pretty much sums up the big sister, little brother relationship. It's kind of sad.


Haley said...

Aww, that is a little sad; maybe he'll have a little brother to be pals with!

Tracy said...

Oh, poor little kid, but the pictures are pretty funny! Those girls will be sorry when he is 2x their size and being a mean little brother in a few years:)

Colleen said...

Oh dear! Poor Coby. Tracy is right; those girls better be sweet to him because it won't be long before he is hiding frogs under their pillows!

Jules said...

Poor Coby! just wait though until the girls are arguing and fight over him to be on their side.

jujcrave said...

Oh, poor Coby. I can not believe how big he is getting. That picture of him looking the other way makes him look so grown up:)

Julie and Dean said...

HOPEFULLY, hopefully, he will have a partner in crime too in a few months. I will feel very sorry for him if he will have a force of THREE sisters out numbering him :)
That park looks so pretty.