Friday, August 14, 2009

Feeding the "baby"

(And yes that's my almost 2 year old eating stage 2 baby food). He won't eat any veggies, BUT he will eat the veggie baby food, so I figure it's better than nothing!


Tracy said...

LOL, I was so going to comment on your "baby" who is outgrowing size 3T clothes eating baby food still:)

Haley said...

I like how in the second picture Taylor is opening her mouth; just like adults do when feeding a baby and unconsciously coaxing them to eat but opening your own month!

Colleen said...

Linlee doesn't eat any vegetables either. I never thought of trying baby food. LOL!

Tracy said...

My kids aren't good about eating veggies either. But if you peel the green skin off a zucchini and then shred it you can put it in a ton of stuff. I always put it in spaghetti sauce (usually with the meat since it then all blends up). I also put in my mashed potatoes-after you boil them remove the potatoes from the pot and cook down the zucchini in the milk until it mashes. Then remove the zucchini-mash the potates using the zucchini milk and make them a bit dry. Last add in the zucchini and it makes them the right texture.