Sunday, June 27, 2010

Josie turns 4!

Chloe and Taylor's good friend Josie had her 4th birthday party at an awesome park. We took all 4 kiddos and it wasn't a total disaster. The girls had a great time, Tanner was really good and Coby only screamed "No Birthday Party!!!" a handful of times. It was also our first day of sunshine after nearly 30 days of rain. Fun times.


Timbra Wiist said...

those are some rad looking cupcakes!!! looks like a fun shindig!

The Hines Family said...

So sweet! I love that last picture of your three oldest! :-)

Julie and Dean said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (read w/a whine in my voice). I just posted on Jules' blog, why oh why did I have to move away???